Title IX: Pregnancy and Parenting

Title IX protects students and employees from discrimination on the basis of sex, which includes pregnancy and parenting status.

Students and employees may receive reasonable modifications and accommodations related to pregnancy; childbirth, miscarriage, and abortion; and pregnancy-related medical conditions and recovery.


The Title IX team collaborates with employees in the Student Success Center to provide reasonable and appropriate modifications and accommodations for pregnant students. Students are recommended to make early contact with the Title IX Coordinator and/or Assistant Director of Academic Support to discuss options and plans for coursework, communication with faculty, accommodations, and/or leave.

Reasonable accommodations and modifications for students may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Extension of assignments and excused absences, when related to pregnancy 
  • Modifications to the physical environment, like accessible seating
  • Medical leave with the ability to make up missed work and to return to the same academic and extracurricular status as before leave

Students who work on campus are eligible to receive accommodations and modifications in their work environment, as well. Students should contact the Chief Human Resources Officer at [email protected].


Employees who are pregnant should review Averett’s Workplace Accommodation Policy and Procedures for information about requesting accommodations and break time to express breastmilk. Employees are encouraged contact the Chief Human Resources Officer to discuss accommodations and options for leave as soon as possible upon learning they are pregnant.

Lactation Spaces

Students and employees who need a private space to express breastmilk should contact the Title IX Coordinator at [email protected] or the Chief Human Resources Officer at [email protected].

Reporting Pregnancy and Parenting Discrimination and Harassment

Students and employees who experience discrimination or harassment due to pregnancy, a pregnancy-related condition, or their status as a parent, should contact the Title IX Coordinator at [email protected] or submit a report via the Sexual and Gender-based Harassment and Discrimination Reporting Form.
