
Career Assessment

The Career Services Center can help you identify your interests and skills to benefit you in selecting a career path. Averett University offers the Myers Briggs Type Indicator and Strong Interest Inventory. Visit the Career Services Center to schedule an appointment.

We encourage you to sample the following interest assessments as well!

Myers Briggs Type Indicator

The most popular personality assessment in the world, this tool helps you realize where your strengths lie and what kinds of work you might enjoy and be successful in. Also available online is the Jung Typology Test.

Holland Self Directed Search

Need help focusing your interests? This inventory highlights careers and occupational areas related to your interests. Also available online is the O’Net Skills Search.

Values and Skills Inventories

Survey your interests, values, and abilities and relate them to career fields. Also available online is the

A great way to explore, build your résumé, and network is to join a student organization.