
Why Intern?

Internships are Increasingly Popular!

In an annual survey, reports found that 77% of all college seniors had at least one internship by graduation, and 55% had participated in two or more internship programs before they graduated. Internships are a great way to explore the reality of working in a field and can help the student know before graduation if they are on the correct path. They also are a great way to begin to network in your career field, and networking is the number one way that employment is found.

Internship Experience Leads to Employment

Upon graduation, students with pre-professional intern experience secure jobs at roughly twice the rate of those without internship experience.

Internships are Used as Screening Devices

Reports found that the percentage of college graduates with internship experience, at the companies hiring them, more than doubled between 1993 and 1997, from 17% to 37%. Interns are often offered employment based on their performance while interning.

Internships are Helpful for Graduate School

Graduate school admissions committees look for evidence of practical experience before admitting students. According to a recent survey, 91% of those admitted to law school and 94% of those admitted to graduate business (MBA) programs, had an internship experience.

Other Key Points:

  • It may be possible to arrange class credit for an internship.
  • Internships may be unpaid, paid, or involve a fee.
  • Many excellent internships are offered to those transitioning from Junior to Senior and they are usually seeking their summer interns between December and March.
  • The Diversity Fair in Charlottesville in the fall is a great place to learn about summer Internships. Contact Career Services about attending this event.
  • Career Services has resources to help find Internships and also posts opportunities on eCampusRecruiter.