This concentration will prepare the student for a career in clinical labs in hospitals, doctor’s offices, etc. The University offers a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Medical Technology through an affiliation with Augusta Health, Fishersville, Virginia. Students may also have the opportunity to attend other accredited hospital programs. The program is designed to follow the standard procedures for the Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Technology—three years of college work and one year of clinical instruction and practice at a teaching hospital.
Although the University maintains the above affiliations with Augusta Health, admission to the clinical year is not guaranteed by the University. Each student is responsible for applying and gaining admission to the clinical year program at an accredited teaching hospital. Faculty in the Department of Biology will provide assistance to students seeking a clinical year affiliation.
The University will grant the equivalent of one year of college credit (30 semester hours) for the clinical period if the student is admitted to the program in an approved teaching hospital and satisfactorily completes the required work. During the fall semester of the senior year, the student must register for MT 400, Clinical Experience, and will pay a $5.00 lab fee. This course carries no credit, nor is tuition charged for it.
In addition to the general education requirements, a student must complete the courses listed below prior to the clinical year. Additional courses may be required for admission by specific teaching hospitals. The program is approved by the Board of Registry of Medical Technology and the American Society of Clinical Pathologists.
Semester Hours
BIO 101, Introduction to Biology
BIO 103, General Zoology
BIO 204, 205, Human Anatomy and Physiology I, II
BIO 301, Microbiology
CH 101, 102, General Chemistry I, II
CH 305, Organic Chemistry I and Lab
CH 306, Organic Chemistry II and Lab
Clinical experience (at hospital lab)
MT 400, Clinical Experience
Sample Four-Year Course Sequence for Biology: Medical Technology