Averett University Undergraduate Catalog



Averett University offers an interdisciplinary minor of eighteen hours in Leadership Studies. This program consists of an academic component, experiential learning, and mentoring.  Students have the opportunity to gain self knowledge through a consideration of the theory and practice of leadership.  The curriculum of this minor includes offerings from various departments and utilizes the talents of faculty, staff, and administration in an effort to assist students in gaining leadership experience.  At the conclusion of the leadership studies program:

  1. Students will be able to define leadership, explain the difference between leadership and management, and apply this definition to develop personal and professional goals.
  2. Students will be able to identify and apply leadership styles and theories.
  3. Students will understand value systems and will be able to describe the impact of cultural differences on leadership models.
  4. Students will recognize and critique team dynamics and will be able to function effectively within a group setting.
  5. Students will act with sound judgment and will be able to apply ethical decision making techniques.

In order to be admitted to the Leadership Studies minor, a student must declare the minor in the Registrar’s Office.

Requirements for a Minor in Leadership Studies

  Semester Hours
BSA 326, Organizational Behavior, Theory, and Leadership 3
LDR 104, Leadership 3
IDS 205, Leadership and Management of Conflict 3
LDR 303, Leadership in Action 3
LDR 442, Leadership Seminar 3
One three-hour course selected by the student in consultation with his/her advisor from the following:  
JR 220, Public Relations  
JR 225, Editorial and Current Affairs  
PE 365, Sport Psychology  
PHL 210, Ethics  
PHL 300, Applied Ethics  
PSY 200, Effective Behavior  
PSY 412, Industrial/Organizational Psychology  
TH 300, Public Speaking  
Total 18

Students must maintain a grade point average of at least 2.0 in the minor.

Sample Four-Year Course Sequence for Leadership Minor

Freshman Year: Junior Year:
LDR 104, Leadership LDR 303, Leadership in Action
Sophomore Year: Senior Year:
BSA 326, Organizational Behavior, Theory and Leadership LDR 442, Leadership Seminar
IDS 205, Leadership and Management of Conflict Approved leadership elective