Richard Ferguson, Chair
Carrie Hendrick
Barbara A. Kushubar
Melanie Lewis
Hsiu-Chen Liu
Either a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science degree may be earned in physical education in any one of five concentrations: Physical Education-Non-teaching; Coaching; Health, Physical Education and Driver Education (Add-On): PK-12; Sport Management; Wellness/Sports Medicine and Personal Training. Transfer students must complete a minimum of 18 semester hours in the major at Averett, 9 of which must be at the 300-400 level. Physical Education majors are strongly urged to develop in-depth competency in at least one performance area or one sport.
All majors are required to complete a Senior Exit Project. These projects will be completed during their senior year. Unless otherwise specified, students must attain at least a 2.0 grade point average in the major in order to graduate. All majors must satisfy the General Education science requirements by taking Biology 101 and either Biology 204 or 205.