Averett University Undergraduate Catalog


Courses of Instruction in Music

Number Title Credits Description
103 Introduction to Music Literature 3 A general survey of the history of Western music from the Middle Ages to the present.  Emphasis will be upon important composers and musical styles with attention given to the development of skills in listening to music.  This course satisfies 3 hours of Fine Arts requirement for General Education.
104 Fundamentals of Music 1 A study of fundamental musical skills including pitch notation, rhythmic notation, keyboard orientation, interval recognition, scales, key signatures, and basic music terminology.  Prerequisite for MUS 270 and co-requisite for l00-level applied music.  Students may be exempt from this course based on a placement test administered to all incoming music majors.  This course may be an elective for the general student body.
118 Class Piano For Beginners 1 An introduction to the fundamental skills in playing the piano.  No prior knowledge of music reading skills or piano technique is necessary for the successful completion of the course.  Students are instructed in a group setting.
131-431* Piano 1 A study of standard classical literature for the piano at any given proficiency level.  Technique, scales, concepts of theory for piano, and literature survey are emphasized.  Includes one 30-minute private lesson per week.  May be repeated for credit at each level.  A lab fee will be assessed.  Non-music majors may enroll as space permits.  Enrollment for all students is by permission of instructor.
132-432* Piano 2 A study of standard classical literature for the piano at any given proficiency level.  Technique, scales, concepts of theory for piano, and literature survey are emphasized.  Includes one 60-minute lesson per week.  May be repeated for credit at each level.  A lab fee will be assessed.   Non-music majors may enroll as space permits.  Enrollment for all students is by permission of instructor.
141-441* Organ 1 A study of standard classical literature for the organ at any given proficiency level.  Technique, scales, concepts of theory for organ, and literature survey are emphasized.  Includes one 30-minute private lesson per week.  May be repeated for credit at each level.  A lab fee will be assessed.  Non-music majors may enroll as space permits.  Enrollment for all students is by permission of instructor.
142-442* Organ 2 A study of standard classical literature for the organ at any given proficiency level.  Technique, scales, concepts of theory for organ, and literature survey are emphasized.  Includes one 60-minute private lesson per week.  May be repeated for credit at each level.  A lab fee will be assessed.  Non-music majors may enroll as space permits.  Enrollment for all students is by permission of instructor.
151-451* Voice 1 A study of standard classical literature for the voice at any given proficiency level.  Vocal techniques, breathing, tone placement, diction, and literature survey are emphasized. Includes one 30-minute private lesson per week.  May be repeated for credit at each level.  A lab fee will be assessed.   Non-music majors may enroll as space permits.  Enrollment for all students is by permission of instructor.
152-452* Voice 2 A study of standard classical literature for the voice at any given proficiency level.  Vocal techniques, breathing, tone placement, diction, and literature survey are emphasized. Includes one 60-minute private lesson per week.  May be repeated for credit at each level.  A lab fee will be assessed.   Non-music majors may enroll as space permits.  Enrollment for all students is by permission of instructor.
*Applied music courses are numbered according to this system:  The first number defines the level (freshman, sophomore, etc), the second number defines the instrument (3 = piano, 4 = organ, 5 = voice), the third number defines the number of credit hours.
161 Averett Singers 1 A course designed to offer instruction and experience in ensemble singing and provide a means of individual expression through musical performance.  Membership is open to any student upon completion of an audition.  May be repeated for a maximum of 8 semester hours credit.
163 Averett Handbell Choir 1 A course designed to offer instruction and experience in the ringing of handbells and to provide a means of individual and ensemble expression through music.  Membership is open to any student upon completion of an audition.  May be repeated for a maximum of 8 semester hours credit.
191 Beginning Classical Guitar 1 An introduction to playing the classical guitar.  Right and left hand techniques and concepts of musical notation particular to the instrument are emphasized.  A 30-minute private lesson per week includes reading music, playing solos, duets and scales.  Over the course of the semester the student is introduced to standard guitar literature through listening activities and concerts.  This course may be repeated for credit as often as needed.  Permission of instructor.
207 Basic Conducting 2 A study of fundamental conducting skills including basic beat patterns and gestural techniques including preparation, release, and cueing.  This course will meet 3 hours per week, and is open to the general student population.
215 Church Music Seminar I 1 An introduction to methods, techniques, organizational strategies, and materials appropriate for use in a church instrumental program.  The use of handbells and Orff instruments will be emphasized.
260 Music History: Renaissance and Baroque  3 A study of the historical information and the actual music of the Renaissance and Baroque periods by examination of important movements that influenced the patronage and function of music, musical devices, forms, and composers.  Specific works with clearly observable stylistic features are studied as illustrations of historically significant genres, styles, or techniques.  This course satisfies three hours of Fine Arts requirement for General Education.  Prerequisite:  MUS 103 or permission of instructor.
261 Music History: Classical, Romantic and Modern 3 A study of developments in the history of Western music in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries with a detailed study of forms, styles, and composers in representative musical literature. Special attention will be given to opera, the symphony, and solo literature.  Emphasis will be placed upon the works of such composers as Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, Schubert, Berlioz, Wagner, Verdi, Debussy, Stravinsky, Ives, and the contemporary jazz performers.  This course will satisfy three hours of Fine Arts requirement for General Education.  Prerequisite:  MUS 103 or permission of instructor.
270 Music Theory I and Lab 4 A study of the harmonic common practice of composers during the 18th and 19th centuries.  Emphasis is placed upon standard usages of harmonic content and technique, idiomatic procedures, and varied texture and styles.  Laboratory work consists of exercises in ear training and sight singing.  Prerequisite:  MUS 104 or permission of instructor.
271 Music Theory II and Lab 4 A continuation of MUS 270, studying the harmonic common practices of composers during the l8th and 19th centuries.  Emphasis is placed upon standard usages of harmonic content and technique, idiomatic procedures, and varied texture and styles.  Laboratory work consists of exercises in ear training and sight singing.  Prerequisite:  MUS 270.
291 Classical Guitar Fingerings 1 This course is intended for students who have previously studied classical guitar.  Technical applications will include right hand studies, the use of rest stroke, scales beyond the first position, solo work on longer pieces, duets, and performance-related issues.  This course may be repeated for credit as often as needed.  Permission of the instructor.
307 Choral Conducting for the Church Musician 2 A continuation of fundamental conducting skills with emphasis on refinement of standard beat patterns, irregular beat patterns, interpretation and gestural skills, and rehearsal techniques.  Standard youth and adult anthem literature will be used.  Prerequisites:  MUS 207 and MUS 270, 271.  Co-requisite: MUS 161
315 Church Music Seminar II 1 An introduction to methods, techniques, organizational strategies, and materials used in working with children’s choirs.
365 Classical Guitar Ensemble 1 Introduction to guitar ensemble.  This course will focus on the dynamics of group ensemble playing, understanding tempo in a group situation, playing without a conductor, learning recovery techniques and making best use of individual practice time.  May be repeated for credit as often as needed.  Permission of instructor.  Prerequisite or co-requisite: MUS291.
370, 371 Music Theory III, IV 3,3 A study of advanced part writing techniques, form and analysis, and compositional devices and techniques of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries.  Prerequisites:  MUS 270, 271.
380 Church Music (Same as REL 380) 3 A study of the relationship of music to worship in the history of the Western Church.  By examination of influences that have shaped the musical practices of various denominations, both liturgical and nonliturgical worship are discussed in addition to the multi-faceted purposes of music as religious expression in contemporary society.  Alternate years.
407 Advanced Choral Conducting for the Church Musician 2 Rehearsal procedure, score analysis, choral literature review, working with instrumentalists, and leadership practices for the advanced conductor will be emphasized.  Literature review will include major choral works.  This course will meet three hours per week.  Prerequisite:  MUS 307.  Co-requisite: MUS 161
420 Hymnody and Liturgy  3 A study of the Christian hymn and canticles from the earliest Old Testament references to the present and their historical-religious background.  Emphasis is also given to the origins of liturgy as well as to various liturgical and non-liturgical practices.
461, 462 Internship I, II 1,1 Practical experience working in a church setting under the guidance of music faculty members and a church supervisor.  Students will work closely with a church supervisor in matters of church music administration, and they will participate actively in the execution of church-related duties as directed by the supervisor.  A weekly seminar will include critical analysis and discussion of problems.
480 Senior Recital  1 The performance of a solo recital on the major instrument which shall be at least one-half hour in length.  Required of all performance music majors.