Averett University Undergraduate Catalog


Courses of Instruction in Religion

Number Title Credits Description
101 Introduction to Old Testament Literature 3 The application of critical methodology to the history, literature, and religion of the ancient Hebrews.  Attention is given to the historical context, the development, and the message of the Hebrew faith.  This course satisfies three hours of the Religion and Philosophy requirement for General Education.
102 Introduction to New Testament Literature 3 The application of critical methodology to the biblical text to discover the basic meaning and message of the New Testament.  Attention is given to the secular and religious history of the period as well as to the life and teachings of Jesus, the letters of Paul, and the origins of the Christian Church.  This course satisfies three hours of the Religion and Philosophy requirement for General Education.
201 Religions of the World 3 An examination of the origin, basic beliefs, historical developments, and sociological manifestations of the world's great religions.  This course satisfies three hours of the Religion and Philosophy requirement for General Education.
207 Spirituality in Business and Commerce 3 This course will consider the role of spiritual values and ethics in the workplace and how the application of spiritual and ethical values can contribute positively to the bottom line.  The student will consider how humanizing the workplace can help restore a higher conscience and consciousness to business, as well as bringing heart into the business and commercial arenas.
212 Death and Dying  (Same as SOC 212) 3 The goal of this course is to examine the phenomenon of death and dying within various cultural and religious contexts with the view of understanding how such perspectives inform our understanding of the end of life.  This approach will survey the principles and perspectives of science and the humanities as they apply to the experience of death and dying.  Numerous studies and instructional methodologies will be examined for the purpose of correcting stereotypes and myths concerning death and the reactions of people to death and dying.  The course will pay particular attention to the phenomenon of death and dying through the lenses of social science and religion.
260 Religion in America 3 A study of the history and expression of religion in America through Protestantism, Catholicism, and Judaism.  Attention will also be given to a comparison of mainstream and divergent groups and the religious expressions in America since 1950.  Alternate years.
304 Studies in the Prophets 3 The historical background, function, message, contribution, and contemporary significance of the Hebrew prophets.  Alternate years.  Prerequisite: REL 101.
305 Studies in the Poetry and Wisdom Literature 3 The historical background, function, message, contribution, and contemporary significance of the poetry and wisdom literature of the Old Testament.  Alternate years.  Prerequisite:  REL 101.
306 African-American Religions 3 A reading/lecture/dialogue course designed to survey the development of Afro-American religion from its African roots to the present.  The course will focus on the black folk tradition and denominational structures, as well as some of the significant leaders and movements within black religion in America.  Special emphasis will be given to the liberation tradition within black Protestantism, Catholicism, and Islam.
308 Introduction to Islam 3 This course will present the history, basic beliefs, sacred writings, and institutional structures of Islam.  In addition, this course will investigate both current events between Western and Muslim countries and struggles within Islam itself.
311 Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels 3 A study of the life and teachings of Jesus through a careful examination of the synoptic gospels in the light of available historical, cultural, and literary studies.  Alternate years.  Prerequisite:  REL 102.
312 Life and Letters of Paul 3 An introductory course on the life and thought of Paul.  The Pauline letters are studied within the historical context of first century Christianity, and their contemporary importance for the church in today's world is explored.  Alternate years.  Prerequisite:  REL 102.
313 Johannine Literature 3 A study of the Gospel of John, the Epistle s of John, and the Revelation.  The student will master the contents of the books and the major critical issues involved in their interpretation, and will demonstrate competence in using modern research and interpretive methods.  Every third year.  Prerequisite:  REL 102.
315 Archaeology and the Bible 3 A survey of the contributions of Near Eastern archaeology to Biblical studies.
351 Spiritual
3 This course has a dual purpose of introducing learners to the rich tradition of Christian mysticism as well as to increase the learner's awareness and practice of spiritual formation.  Learners will be exposed to a variety of spiritual resources that will enable them to learn and experiment with different traditions and approaches to deepening their spiritual life.
380 Church Music (Same as MUS 380) 3 A study of the relationship of music to worship in the history of the Western Church.  By examination of influences that have shaped the musical practices of various denominations, both liturgical and non-liturgical worship are discussed in addition to the multifaceted purposes of music as religious expression in contemporary society.  Alternate years.
403 History of Christianity 3 A study of the history of the Christian religion and Church from the first century to the beginning of the modern period.  The course highlights the theological and sociological developments in the Early Church, the Middle Ages, the Reformation, and post-Reformation periods.
465 Senior Research Thesis 1 An opportunity for students to demonstrate critical skills in the area of research and writing.  The projects/papers will be reviewed by an external evaluator.  The course is required of all seniors and must be successfully completed prior to graduation.  Prerequisite:  Senior status.
      In-Service Guidance
255 Ministry Formation 3 A seminar designed to acquaint the student with the ministry as a profession and to help the student define his/her role in relationship to the ministry as a vocation, become acquainted with the basic skills of pastoral care and develop communication skills necessary for the ministry.  Required of all students who are receiving ministerial tuition grants.
453, 454 Internship I, II 3,3

A program designed to give senior students in-depth training as they serve as apprentices under highly trained, local supervisor-mentors for two semesters.  The student is expected to write weekly experiential reports and to meet with his/her mentor one hour each week for one-on-one supervision of their work.  Discussion about practical application will be held weekly with the supervisor, and weekly seminars will be held at the college to discuss the learning activities.  The student is expected to spend 7-8 hours each week in the field, active in the apprenticeship.  Required of all fourth-year students who are receiving ministerial tuition grants.  Prerequisite:  2.0 grade point average.