The Averett Alumni Association: What’s In It for You?
When you graduate from Averett, you automatically become a member of the Averett Alumni Association. And membership has its privileges.
For example, you can profit from the expertise and support of Averett’s Career Services Office. You can network with fellow Averett alumni through LinkedIn: Click Here. You can also stay connected with the university and fellow alumni with our new mobile app, available from the iOS App Store and Google Play.
You’ll receive a free copy of Averett Magazine once a year. And you’ll also receive a lifetime Averett email address.
Being an Active Member Is Easy and Fun.
Just find the area that interests you most and help out your alma mater in as many ways as you can. Exciting things happen when Averett’s alumni get together!
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
Give back with your TIME
- Participate in Averett events whenever and however you can
- Host an alumni or admissions event in your area
- Share your success story
- Keep us updated with your current address, phone number and email address by submitting your information to [email protected].
- Follow Averett on Facebook: and; and on Twitter: and
Help Averett with your TALENT
- Inform us of jobs or internships at your company
- Mentor an Averett student
Help recruit a NEW STUDENT
- Exciting opportunities abound at Averett for both traditional and adult students. So please share your love of your alma mater with friends, relatives and people you meet!
- Wear Averett apparel.
- Display your Averett diploma with pride.
- Tell people to check out Averett’s fabulous new website:
Pay it forward with your TREASURE
There is no fee to join the Alumni Association, but Averett counts on the support of alumni to keep the university vibrant and financially strong. Think of it this way: generous alumni and friends supported Averett when you were here, so now you can join in that tradition of generosity. You can give to the area of greatest need by supporting the Averett Fund. Please remember: A gift of any size makes a big difference! Also remember: If every Averett alum gave $8 a month for a year, we would have $2.2 million to help our students.
You can find other opportunities to pay Averett forward at