Canvas Faculty Support Resources

  • Canvas Instructor Guide will answer common How to questions in a step-by-step format on ALL of the Canvas features available to instructors.
  • Canvas Video Guide contains detailed content about ALL of the Canvas features available to instructors.

How to Access Canvas Courses?

Faculty are highly encouraged to download the Canvas Teacher app to their smartphone and update their settings to allow for push notifications

What is the Canvas Teacher app?

Canvas Teacher allows instructors to facilitate their courses on the go, both inside and outside the classroom. This app provides quick access to grading, communicating, and updating—three of the most frequent course facilitation tasks for teachers through Announcements, Assignments, Discussions, and Quizzes.

How do I download the Teacher app on my iOS device?

How do I download the Teacher app on my Android device?

How do I make sure my Computer is ready for Canvas?

It is highly recommended updating your browser to the newest version. In the links below, you will find detailed information on minimum system and browser requirements for desktop computers and mobile devices. We highly encourage instructors to use Firefox or Chrome when using Canvas.

Next Steps Once you have logged into Canvas

Navigating through Canvas is highly intuitive; instructors can access their courses, change the settings preferences, manage their coursework, and customize their profiles. While there are a plethora of guides at your fingertips, the best way to find out what Canvas is all about is to explore.

Important: When modifying your Notification settings, keep your Announcements and Conversation notifications ON to get email notifications.

Common Canvas Questions

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