Academic Program Assessment
Report Due Dates
Academic program assessment reports are due on September 30th. Reports should be entered to the Averett Compliance Assist. If you need help with any assessment issues or login to compliance assist, please contact the Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness, Pam McKirdy ([email protected] or 434-791-5618).
The Academic Assessment Committee reviews the academic assessment report using a rubric (link to the rubric) and submit their review to the Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness by October 31st.
The Academic Assessment Committee should submit a report on the overall academic assessment results to the Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA) by November 30th. The report also consists of 4recommendation for strengthening student learning outcomes at Averett University.
Best Practices for Program-Level Student Learning Outcomes Assessment
- Program faculty members identify student learning outcomes, develop assessment measures, analyze results, determine appropriate improvements, and write annual assessment reports.
- Programs establish clearly defined, measurable student learning outcomes that focus on knowledge, skills, behaviors, or values.
- Programs use direct assessment methods (e.g., examinations, research essays, theses, oral presentations, capstone projects, portfolios, performances, etc.) as their primary means of assessing student learning
outcomes. - Programs use indirect assessment methods (surveys, questionnaires, focus groups, interviews, etc.) as secondary means of assessing student learning outcomes.
- Assessment measures clearly address the degree to which students attain defined learning outcomes.
- Assessment measures are distinct from course grades and teaching evaluations (but they may involve graded materials).
- Data and information are collected over time and analyzed longitudinally.
- Improvements in programs and student learning are planned and enacted in response to assessment findings.
- All program-level student learning outcomes are assessed within three to five-year cycles.
- Assessment reports are completed annually, evaluated by appropriate faculty committees, and collected by the Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and Effectiveness