Student Government Association

SGA Class Cabinets are elected representatives of the Sophomore, Junior, and Senior classes working with the Director of Student Involvement to evaluate policies and procedures. Students are elected to represent their class based on the number of credit hours achieved. Officials also work to help bring different events and activities to Averett. Our main goal is to improve the campus and community life for the students at Averett University. The SGA office is located on the 4th floor of the Student Center. SGA Bylaws 2022-2023


Senior Class

President: Morgan Dearing
Vice President: DK Byers-Henderson
Treasurer: Noah Williams
Secretary: Raven Felder

Junior Class

President: Talia Prosper
Vice President: Amber Wrenn
Treasurer: Fermin Borbua-Watson
Secretary: Emma Nash

Sophomore Class

President: Aiden Barber
Vice President: vacant
Treasurer: Rachel Grace
Secretary: vacant

Elections for the 2023-2024 year are being held in February 2023. For more information, please email [email protected].