College is a great time to get involved!
Student Engagement Team
The Student Engagement Team’s (S.E.T.) motto is to “set the tone” on Averett’s campus. We aim to develop leaders, create a sense of belonging, and create a social involvement on campus. We have many different clubs across campus that covers almost every interest. If there is no club that fits “you”, you have the opportunity to create a club! We want every student at Averett to have opportunities to create memories. We provide students with many different events, from paintball trips to DJ Parties, to movies on the lawn, to Glow in the Dark Dodgeball, and more. Stop by our office anytime you are looking for something to do, or just want to watch TV and play video games. We provide plenty of ways to get involved on campus, so don’t be afraid to stop by and ask!
Interested in welcoming new students to Averett by being a Connection Leader? Or helping out our office and being a part of Cougar Production? Email us at [email protected].
Follow our Instagram (@averettstudentengagement) and Twitter (@averettSET) to see all of our events on campus!
Student Leadership Opportunities
Connection Leader will work with various members of the Averett Community during Connection Weekend. The Connection Leader plays a vital role in helping new students and their families matriculate into the Cougar Community.
If you are interested in becoming a Connection Leader please stop by our office or Email us at [email protected]