Fever/COVID/Flu Information

Averett University staff continue to work hard to stay diligent in keeping our Averett Family safe.

What we know:

Current vaccines and boosters available in the United States have proven to keep individuals from becoming seriously ill, decreased hospitalizations and decreased mortality.  Vaccinations work best when you stay up-to-date with the primary series and any recommended boosters.

What we are doing: 

We strongly urge following CDC guidelines on vaccination/booster requirements for COVID and influenza (flu). Vaccination recommendations are based on (1) your age, (2) vaccine and (3) length of time from last dose.  You can stay current on vaccination requirement by following the guidelines posted on the CDC website.

  • Testing: At this time, we are able to offer free rapid antigen testing for COVID, fly and strep for students presenting with symptoms to Health Services Clinic; as deemed necessary by the nurse.
  • Face Coverings: While face coverings are not mandatory, faculty/staff members may still require face coverings in classrooms or office spaces. Face coverings may also be required for certain events. Students, employees and visitors should be prepared to mask in these circumstances, if needed. Anyone desiring to wear a face covering outside of these areas are welcome to do so. At this time, face coverings are available at the Health Services Clinic.

What should you do if you have a fever or test positive for COVID/Flu? 

  • Fever Guideline: Students will not be permitted to addend in-person classes, events, practices or games until they are fever-free for 24 hours without fever reducing medications and symptom improvement. Fever reducing medications include Tylenol (acetaminophen), Motrin (ibuprofen) or combination medications that contain these ingredients. A fever is considered a temperature of 100.1º F or greater. (Based on recommended CDC guidelines).
  • Students testing positive for COVID-19 or flu are no longer required to quarantine or isolate but should follow Fever Guideline; as stated above.
  • Any student/faculty/staff that has a confirmed positive case of COVID or flu, should notify Health Services; this includestesting outside of AU Health Services Clinic.
  • If you have any additional questions or need assistance, please contact Health Services at [email protected] or by calling 434-710-1006.