Faculty and Staff at Averett University




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At Averett University, we want to produce a new generation of leaders. That’s why we’ve gathered our faculty and staff from the current generation of leaders and thinkers. Of our current instructors:

  • 75% have terminal or doctoral degrees in their fields;
  • 45% have taught at Averett for at least fifteen years;
  • 75% serve in the wider community as volunteers in more than 40 different service and professional organizations;
  • All have real-world experience, with backgrounds ranging from business to art, science to music and more.

In addition, our faculty have produced more than 20 books, including textbooks, popular novels, and a Pulitzer Prize-nominated biography. Averett professors have also authored dozens of journal articles, adding original research to the body of knowledge in their fields.

For more information about Averett University and our programs in Virginia, contact us or apply now and get started on your career today!