All degree-seeking undergraduate students currently enrolled in traditional programs at Averett will pre-register for classes online through Self-Service.

The only exception(s) to this are ABSN students at the Norfolk Learning Site, students enrolled in the paraprofessional educators program, and our AU Online (AUO) students.

Prior to the pre-registration period, all students will meet with their advisors to discuss their continued course of study and to select courses for the next term(s). At that time, the advisor will “authorize” Self-Service pre-registration. Advising Day will be held on March 20, 2025.

Students will then pre-register online according to the following schedule:

1. 90+ credits: 7 a.m. March 24 and 25
2. 60-89 credits: 7 a.m. March 26 and 27
3. 30-59 credits: 7 a.m. March 28 and 29
4. 00-29 credits: 7 a.m. March 30 and 31

Each registration group is based on credits earned prior to the current semester. If students miss their registration window above, they may still register online beginning April 1. Students may add classes after this time but should be advised that there is a $50 late fee that will be charged (see policy below).

Late Registration Fee Policy

To help Averett students maximize their course opportunities and to make the registration process smoother for everyone involved, Averett has a late registration fee policy. The policy applies to all full-time, continuing degree-seeking students. The details are as follows:

Returning students registering for Summer or Fall 2025 courses are required to have their course registrations approved by their academic advisor by April 29. If students are not registered by this time, they will be charged a late registration fee of $50, which will be added to their next tuition payment statement.

Please note: the policy does not apply to students who are returning from a leave of absence or students who are starting their first semester at Averett.

If a “stop” message appears on Self-Service during pre-registration, a message will direct the student to the particular office where the “stop” may be removed.

If students have questions regarding a hold on their account, they may reach out to Averett Central in person (Main Hall, first floor) or by phone or email at 434-791-5600 or [email protected].

Advising Schedule Approval Checklist

  1. Be sure prerequisites for courses are completed (see course descriptions by clicking magnifying glass next to course number in Self-Service).  Watch especially for acceptance to teacher education, get a C or better in BIO 101 to take 204/205.
  2. If a course is cross-listed in two departments, is the student registered for the correct prefix?
  3. Will the schedule move student toward graduation in a timely manner?
  4. Schedule may NOT include more than two PE activity courses.
  5. Is it a full-time schedule?
  6. If a student is registering for more than eighteen hours:
    • There is an extra fee
    • Complete the permission for more than eighteen hours form and return to the Registrar’s Office.
  7. Requests for independent study must be approved by the student’s academic advisor. (There is an extra fee.) Student must complete I.S. form with their advisor.
  8. If an advisor agrees, a student may contact the instructor of a closed class for permission to the take the course. The student must have the instructor of the closed class sign the form giving permission and return it to the Registrar’s Office.

If you run into issues with registration for spring classes, please contact the Registrar’s Office at [email protected].

Averett Central will host a Registration Rodeo in the Multipurpose Room the week following Advising Day. Be on the lookout for more information in Cougar Connection later this semester!