Averett professor has article published by Inside Higher Ed

Posted on March 4th, 2020 by Matt Bell

Averett University Associate English Professor Dr. Marc Muneal had an article published by Inside Higher Ed on Thursday, Feb. 27. This is the first article he has had published by an internationally recognized news source for higher education.

“I’ve published in academic journals before, and I’m a former newspaper/magazine feature writer, but this is my first published piece in a venue that connects those two spaces,” he said.

Inside Higher Ed is an international online publication that has served higher education since 2005.

From the article:

Nothing will change overnight, but perhaps we have collective and individual responsibilities to figure out how our thinking about professional development might evolve. On the collective level, that involves thinking more broadly about how we might at least question established ideas and resist the tyranny of the expedient. It means not throwing out the idea of academic conferences, but rather listening to and supporting those who offer innovate directions and formats.

On an individual level, we have responsibilities to ourselves to identify forms of professional development that would be most beneficial. We must advocate for ourselves (and I recognize the challenges for junior faculty in doing so) in requesting and justifying institutional support, or seek allies who will help us do so.

“The editors were very collegial and helpful in the process of fine-tuning my original draft, and I appreciate the opportunity to engage in productive professional conversation,” Muneal said.

To read the article in its entirety, click here.