Degree in Theatre
Meet Our Theatre Faculty
The dramatic arts are one of humanity’s oldest means of expression. Stories told in theatres have had a profound impact on culture, society, and politics, in addition to providing entertainment. Averett University offers a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre that teaches students the skills and knowledge they need to carry on this tradition of storytelling, with a thorough grounding in acting, writing, stagecraft, directing, and more. Theatre students will have the opportunity to work alongside faculty with Broadway, national touring, and professional regional theatre credits as they develop their craft in a creative and nurturing environment.
Students in the Theatre major can pursue the following concentration options:
- BA Theatre
- BA Theatre Arts with Teaching Licensure (Pre-K – 12)
- BA English and Theatre
- BFA Musical Theatre
- BFA Acting
- BFA Directing
- BFA Design & Technical Theatre
All concentration options include hands-on, professional-level experience in our Theatre practicum, which gets students involved in the production of plays and musicals for the Averett community and local children. The experience of putting on a show teaches critical teamwork and collaboration skills, along with independence and confidence in one’s own skills.
Theatre Major Course Topics
Courses for the Theatre major and Theatre Arts with Teaching Licensure concentration include:
- Introduction to the Theatre
- Acting
- Advanced Design
- Creative Dramatics for the Classroom Teacher
- History of the Theatre
- Modern Drama
- Oral Interpretation of Literature
- Play Directing
- Senior Seminar
- Shakespeare
- Stagecraft
- Theatre Design
- Theatre Practicum
- Voice and Diction
Students in the English and Theatre program take additional courses in Literature and Composition, including:
- Major British Authors through 18th Century
- Major British Authors of the 19th and 20th Centuries
- Origins and Structure of English
- Survey of American Literature to 1860
- Survey of American Literature 1860 – 1970
- Teaching Composition
Musical Theatre Minor
Averett also offers a minor in Musical Theatre. This minor teaches additional staging, dance, and singing courses, including:
- Applied Voice
- Averett Singers
- Class Piano for Beginners
- History of Musical Theatre
- Musical Theatre Dance
- Musical Theatre Lab
- Theatre Practicum in Musical Theatre
For full details of the courses required for any of our Theatre degree programs, please see our course catalog. To read admissions requirements for this program, please click here.
For more information about Averett University and our Theatre programs in Virginia, contact us or apply now and get started on your career today!