Launch Nursing

BSN Program


Admission Requirements

Click here for a complete list of admissions requirements.

If you are interested in our Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing program, visit the ABSN program website.

Progression Policies

Progression is monitored by the Assistant Dean Undergraduate Programs and the AUSON faculty.  Students must meet the following requirements to maintain continuous progression/enrollment in the nursing major:

  1. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.75 in their current degree program;
    • This means that transfer credit hours and/or courses from previous Averett degree(s) will not be included when computing your GPA as a nursing major.
  2. Criminal background check remains satisfactory per VBON regulations;
  3. Satisfactorily meet both didactic and clinical elements of each clinical course
    • If a student fails a nursing clinical course during the semester, s/he will be removed from that course and any other nursing course in which s/he is enrolled.The student will be allowed to remain enrolled in non-clinical nursing courses for the remainder of the semester.
  4. Satisfactory skills lab performance;
  5. Continued health clearance;
  6. Current CPR certification.

Failure to meet any of these requirements may result in dismissal from the nursing major.

If a student earns a grade below a “C” for any course required for the nursing major, she/he will be dismissed from the nursing major. Students who have been dismissed may reapply after one semester away – either the Fall or Spring semester. (Summer sessions do not count toward the one semester away.)  Readmission is not guaranteed; however, all applications will be reviewed by the nursing faculty.

When a student is dismissed from the nursing major, s/he is required to meet with their faculty advisor before leaving.  The purpose of the meeting is to advise the student how to best prepare for applying for readmission.

Note:  Any interruption in matriculation through the major (i.e. withdrawal, leave of absence, dismissal, etc.), may impact a student’s eligibility for financial aid.  Each student is responsible for contacting the Office of Financial Aid with regard to his/her eligibility.

Note:  A grade of “C” in high school science and math courses is strongly preferred.


BSN Curriculum/Plan of Study

Click here to see a sample Plan of Study as a nursing major at Averett.

Course Descriptions

Click here to view the BSN course descriptions.

BSN Student Handbook

Click here to view the BSN Student Handbook.

Come and visit!

Cougar Days Schedule

Averett offers several campus visitation days throughout the year so you can come and see us in person. Click here to find out more about this year’s Cougar Days schedule.

For more information

If you’re applying to Averett University, please click here for more information or call 1-800-AVERETT today.

Student Services & Information

Scholarship Opportunities

Averett University offers several scholarship opportunities. Click here to learn more.

Additional Student Services

Please click here for a list of online and onsite student services that are available to you.